Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 53...A relatively unproductive day!

Well, there's really not much going on today...there should have been, but there's not.  I got my bike back yesterday, and I should have got my butt out of bed early enough to get in a workout on my trainer before heading off to work...but I didn't.  Having failed at that, I should have at least done a strength workout today at the fire station...but I didn't.  I have felt very lazy and un-motivated all day today...maybe my body is telling me something.

Maybe.  Or maybe I am just human, and today is one of those days that occur...the kind of day when you just don't feel like doing anything.  Have you had days like that?  They're not so bad when you aren't working toward accomplishing anything, but when your life is like mine right now (wrapped up in achieving my goals), these days can feel like major setbacks.  In the grand scheme of things however, it is simply one day.  What we have to watch out for is when that single day, turns into two, two turns into three, and before you know it, an entire week has passed by and you have done nothing towards accomplishing your goal, and you may even be behind schedule.

That is kind of the way this week has felt for me...not a single bike ride since my race last Saturday.  I have however, managed to get in regular strength workouts this week, so I'm not as far off track as I could be, and I plan to ride first thing in the morning when I get off work. 

I wont bore you any longer with small-talk...I think I'm going to get off of this computer and go get a workout in!

Until next time...Stay productive!

1 comment:

  1. Okay bud get out there and ride...that race last week showed how prepared you are now dont stop and push to the next level. Enough down time already!!
