Wednesday, June 8, 2011

87 Days and Counting...

I had a great trip to California over the weekend, and those of you who have been keeping track of my blog, know that I got to ride some pretty sweet trails in the Laguna Canyon.  I was planning on taking some video of my ride, but unfortunately I had some technical difficulty with my GoPRo camera, so I wasn't able to film it.  

It's amazing to me that I am inside of 90 days until race day!  I still haven't received my bike yet, but I am confident that I will have it in time to train on it, and get comfortable with it in time for the big race.  This week marks the start of my new cycle training program, which is designed to get me in the best possible shape for September 2nd.  

I am going to need to make some sacrifices over the next 2 1/2 months, as I will be getting up early...very early, to get some of my rides in.  You see, during the summer I begin training clients at 6am to beat the heat.  Riding in the heat of the day is not only's just not smart.  It's so easy to get dehydrated riding in the heat, and once you get behind the eight ball, it's difficult to get back in front of to speak.  Especially if I am supposed to ride again the next can bet my performance will be lacking somewhat, thereby reducing the training benefit. prevent that from happening, I will need to ride very early in the morning before the sun comes up, or at night.  Either way, I'll be riding in the dark with lights...and I'm not a big fan of that.  Oh well, suck it up and do what it takes...right?

I had a good ride yesterday...short, but at race pace.  I rode 8.9 miles...all in the big ring, even the climbs.  It was hard, and I am really feeling it in my legs today!  A good workout indeed!  This morning I got up early and put in a good 45-min, high-intensity workout on the TRX Rip, that is one very cool new toy!  It's amazing just how much I feel it throughout my core musculature!

On a side note, I would like to congratulate two young men who I have had the pleasure of training over the years...Ryan Carpenter, who was drafted by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays this week; and Mike Reynolds, who was drafted today by the Baltimore Orioles.  Congratulations go out to both of them for achieving a lifelong dream of becoming professional baseball players!

I love it when dreams come true!

1 comment:

  1. So did you feel your trip to Cali was a success where you trained like you wanted and kept your edge?
