Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 105...Athletes' Performance

One of the links within my Favorite Links section on this page, is Athletes' Performance (AP).  AP is a world-class facility that specializes in training elite athletes from around the world.  This year, AP had a total of 54 athletes taken in the 2011 NFL draft...14 of which, were first-round picks.  So you see, this place doesn't take performance training lightly...they are THE place to train when it comes to improving athletic performance!

Why am I telling you this?  Because, I have been fortunate enough to have had a working relationship with this team of amazing coaches over the years.  Some time ago, AP began offering training programs for firefighters.  The concept was that firefighters are industrial athletes and would benefit from training in a similar manner as athletes.  Amazingly, that is what I had been preaching for it was meant to be that I would somehow find myself working with them, in some capacity, at some point.

That time came about 5 years ago when a great friend of mine helped to open the door for me at AP.  Since then, I have had the amazing opportunity to assist their team in the development of course content, as well as work side-by-side with AP coaches during the Firefighter Mentorship training programs.  The experience has been incredible, and I have learned so much from this relationship.

Again...why am I telling you all of this?  Because AP stepped up to assist our Olympic Team by supporting us with cash and nutritional support.  On Friday morning, we met with Danielle LaFata, a sports nutritionist from AP who had prepared a detailed nutrition plan for each of us, based on information that we had supplied her.  She basically laid out what we should be doing (nutrition wise) from now until our competition.  In addition to detailing our nutrition plans, AP will be supplying us with our supplement needs, i.e. protein, creatine, etc. for the remainder of our training!  What a great gift!  Thank you Mark Verstegen (AP Owner) for your continued support!

Check out this video which highlights what goes on at Athletes' Performance!


  1. Congratulations to you and your Team John, All the support you have will definitely pay off in the end. Keep up the good work. I would love to have a detailed Nutrition plan for myself, however I also want someone to prepare it all as well.

  2. John,
    I finally had a chance to watch the video, I could certainly use those programs.
