Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 34: Recovery Day

Today was a perfect day for recovery...not only because my program calls for it, but also because it aligned perfectly with the main focus of the workshop I was attending today.  This morning, our group performed some foam roll techniques, designed to improve blood flow, expedite the process of toxin removal, and to facilitate proper movement between the muscles and their surrounding fascia.  Basically, it was exactly what I needed.  We followed with some light dynamic stretches to 'turn on' those sleepy muscles, preparing us for the challenges that lie ahead.

This weekend was amazing!  I was honored to be seated among a group of leaders, in a variety of disciplines within the field of health, fitness, wellness, and business (I'm still not sure what I was doing there!).  I was part of a group of individuals who had been selected to participate in a Coaches Acquisition Workshop for a company called Tignum.  Tignum is an amazing company whose focus is on providing high performance corporate professionals..the big boys i.e. CEO's, CFO's, etc. with sustainable strategies in the areas of Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, and Recovery.  I encourage you to visit their site at for more information, and to see their incredible client list.

The content of the program was inspiring, yet extremely challenging.  I am happy to say however, that I feel much more confident with my abilities as a presenter, although I still have much to learn!  If all goes well, I may end up working as a coach for this awesome company, presenting and coaching. The biggest take away for me, from this weekend's workshop, is to never sell yourself short.  Your feelings of inadequacy are just that...yours.  What others see in you is often far different that what you see in yourself.  Thanks Tignum for a 'defining moment' weekend!

Until next time!  

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