Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 29...Hello Month of March!

This month began much the same as last month... me lying on a therapy table getting my elbow worked on.  Not much has changed, except for the fact that it is now going to be more difficult to remember what day of my blog I am on!  You see, I began blogging on February 1st, so each day of the month coincided perfectly with which each day of my journey.  Now...not so much!  Today is the 29th day of my journey, but it is the first day of the month.  It's funny how something so simple can become so difficult.

That last statement makes a really nice segue into today's topic...which just so happens to be, overcoming difficulty in your training plan.  I think I can speak with some degree of authority on this topic due to my current condition, and the fact that I have trained a number of athletes who were trying to overcome some form of adversity to take their game to the next level.

Life tends to take shots at us here and there, throwing difficulties at us when we least expect them...and certainly when we least desire them.  Adversity comes in many forms, but can be counted on to be consistent, at least in the fact that it always seems to come at the worst possible time...right?  Doesn't it seem like every time we are faced with difficult times, it is the worst time possible?  I am no different than you...I have said, countless times, "why couldn't this have happened last week, (insert last year, last month, next week, etc)...this is the worst time ever!"  Have you ever said something like that?  If you say no...you are a liar! :)  You see, it's all about perception.  We perceive that when it happens is always the worst time.  However, in most case, even if it did happen at another time, we would still consider it to be the worst time possible. 

So how do we change that?  Some people would have you believe that it is as simple as just changing your perspective.  The plan is right...but it's just not that easy to change your perspective...believe me, I know.  I mean, come on...could here have been a worse time to begin having trouble with my elbow?  What do you think?  How you answer that question defines your perspective, and to some degree, who you are as a person...doesn't it?  My answer is YES...there certainly could have been a worse time.  What if I had trained for seven months (which by the way, is the length of my journey) only to discover that I would not be able to compete in the World Police and Fire Games because my elbow had developed tendonitis as a result of my training?  That would be worse...don't you agree?  The way I see it, there could always be a worse time...things could always  be worse...it's just a matter (not a simple one though) of changing our perception.

Believe me, I am not happy about my situation.  I realize that my training is being compromised due to my injury, and that my chances of winning the race decrease every day that I cannot train at the level I need to. I have however, made the choice to change my perception of the situation...to view those adversities as challenges rather than road blocks.  It's not easy...but it's necessary!

If you are like me, faced with adversity, I hope today's post may help you reassess your current situation and motivate you to accept those challenges and overcome them.

Thanks for reading!

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