Thursday, August 11, 2011

22 days...

OK!  Our team is 1/5 of the way to reaching our uniform goal...thanks to a generous donation!  

Today I had an early morning ride with my friend know, the F16 Pilot who got me into this sport in the first place.  It's been some time since I have had the pleasure of riding with him, so this morning's ride was great.  Mike was actually battling a sinus infection, but soldiered on and made the ride...personally, I would have stayed in bed, but that's Mike.

We rode our typical trail, which is located not too far from where we's nice to have great riding so close to home!  We rode and talked just like we always do, and before I knew it, our ride was finished.  Most of my riding is done alone these days due to the fact that I am training, rather than simply riding for pleasure.  I miss riding with others, but I especially miss riding with Mike.  Even though I am a pretty good rider, I almost always learn something from Mike when we ride...and today was no exception.  Today, Mike showed me a new line to take through a particular dry-wash section, that always causes my suspension to bottom out.  This morning however, I followed his line through the wash, and came out bottoming thanks Mike!

Time is ticking away, and my training will be coming to an end here pretty quickly...for the most part anyway.  Soon I will have to start tapering (reducing the intensity and volume of my riding) so that I am primed and fully recovered before my race.  In upcoming posts, I will talk a little about carb-loading, and how to do it right.  No...gorging on pasta the night before isn't considered carb-loading!  

The real term for carb-loading is Carbohydrate Super-compensation, and utilizes a six day protocol, which involves periods of glycogen depletion and repletion.  Follow along and see how it works!

1 comment:

  1. Tick tock, tick tock, don't get nervous or anxiety, just rock the race man

