Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 64...Fitness Testing Day

Well, I made it through fitness testing today at work.  I really wasn't worried...but you just never know at my age!  I have been asked often, what our fitness test entails.  Those of you who are on.  Those who could care on!  Just kidding!  This post will be chock full of information about our annual firefighter fitness evaluation, and why we include some of the tests that we do.

I should first remind you that the fitness program within the fire department that I work for, is my program.  I implemented a structured fitness program within our department back in 1999.  Since that time, I have sought out education in personal fitness training, athletic performance enhancement, kinesiology and injury prevention.  Along the way I have recevied numerous certifications, a Bachelor's degree in Fitnes and Wellness, and a Master's Degree in Exercise Science.  I am not telling you this to toot my own horn, but rather to let you know that the fitness program I have designed for my fellow firefighters, is based on a great deal of education and personal experience working with firefighters and athletes.

It has been my quest for over ten years to change the way firefighters train, and believe's been a long and rocky road.  The 'business' of firefighting is steeped in tradition, and collectively, we are very stubborn and somewhat resistant to change.  If it aint broke, dont fix it right?  Wrong!  Firefighter injuries across the country reached peak levels in recent years, and departments/cities were feeling the financial hits which occur with every injury sustained by a firefighter.  Insurance rates were rising sharply, as were payroll expenses due to the cost of covering an injured firefighter's shifts. 

Some time back, the IAFF (International Association of Firefighters), the IAFC (International Association of Fire Chiefs), and the Justice Department collaborated to develop fitness testing protocols that would be used by departments nationwide, to help reduce firefighter injury rates and the associated costs.  In 1999 I was tasked with implementing this program within our department.  Twelve years later, our department has one of the most progressive and advanced programs in the country. 

For some time now, I have been on a soapbox preaching that firefighters should train like athletes...because, in a sense, we are athletes.  Emergency Response Athletes.  I have, over the years, broken down various tasks associated with firefighting and the delivery of other emergency services offered by fire departments.  Many of these tasks utilize similar movement patterns, and require similar physiological abilities as those required by athletes.  With this in mind, I set out years ago, to help develop more effective methods by which firefighters could enhance their performance while simultaneously reducing injury potential.

Currently, our firefighters are performing a variety of tests that, until recently, were used solely on elite level athletes.  Annually, our members are evaluated in the following categories:
  • Cardio-respiratory fitness levels (VO2 Max and Ventilatory Threshold levels)
  • Muscular Strength
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Muscular Imbalances and Movement Asymmetries
  • Anthropometric Measurements (Body Fat, Circumference, Height, Weight)
While many of these categories have existed since the inception of the program, the manner in which we perform the tests has changed dramatically, as I have learned more about performance enhancement and injury prevention over the years.

So how did I do?  I am happy to say, that at age 46 I am still in the top 95th percentile for all firefighters across the county, and the 99th percentile for firefighters my I'm tooting my own horn!