Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 81...Here Comes the Pain Again

Nutrition will have to wait again...

Yesterday started much like many of my days have in the past...key word...past.  Once again, I was lying on a well padded treatment table at my favorite physical therapy clinic.  Yep...that's right, the elbow is hurting once again (and boos and hisses were heard from the crowd).

I began noticing just a smidge of discomfort a couple of weeks ago, and it has progressed to a point that is now painful.  The look I received from my friend Al, the Physical Therapist was priceless!  That little crook of the head, raise of the eyebrows, and slight little smirk, as if to say "I thought you might be back"  My response..."I know, I let's get busy getting me back on track!"

After the usual evaluation, Al got right to work on the deep tissue least I thought it was deep tissue!  Apparently I was more tender than I had thought, because the pain was pretty intense, and he was barely applying pressure...not a good sign.  The pain, while intense, wasn't as bad as before....I had caught it before it had progressed too far...that is a good thing.

So it looks as though I will be spending some more quality time with my good friend Al for a few weeks.  We have decided that once the pain is relieved again, I will continue to come in for regular treatments until after the World Police and Fire Games are over...then it's time for some serious rest to let my elbow heal completely.  Oh well...playing hard keeps you young right?  Hmmm.... about some good news?  I have some new numbers today...and they are good!

Today's weight...186 lbs
Today's bodyfat..12.6%
Fat weight........23.43 pounds 
Lean weight.....162.57 pounds

So here's the breakdown...

Since my last weigh-in on 3-24-11, I have lost just over 1-pound of fat, and gained about 2-lbs of lean muscle.  I'll take that!

More soon...

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