Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 84...Resurrection Sunday of rest!

Most of you are aware of my Christian faith, and therefore, understand that today is a very special day for's not just the normal Sunday, day of rest.  In fact, it probably wont be very restful at all!  We have a good size group of family coming over to celebrate Easter with us this afternoon, and there are still some last minute things that need to be done around the house...not to mention Church at ten.

Yesterday I was able to squeeze in a short ride after I got home from work.  I knew I only had time for a short one, so I figured I'd run it at 'race pace' to get the most out of it.  I felt good as I set out on the trail at full speed, hammering in the big-ring right off the line.  Before I knew it, I was at the quarter-way 7-minutes and fastest time ever to that point on this particular trail!

I reached the halfway point, only to find that the pickup for my cycle-computer had loosened up again, and was no longer reading time or distance.  I think it is time to get a new one...I have had so many problems with it!  I stopped briefly to adjust it, tightening the set screw that holds it at an inward angle, towards the spokes on my rear wheel.  Once it was tight, I was off again, hammering back down the same path I had just come up.  Then suddenly, I heard something hit my wheel and immediately felt something hit the back of my left calf.  I knew I had just lost the pickup that I had just tightened.  Now I had to stop, turn around, and backtrack to find it.  I should have just left it out there and bought a new one!  There it was...sitting right in the trail...just begging to be rescued.  I picked it up, stuffed it in my pocket, and rocketed home at full speed.

Without a working cycle-computer I had no way of knowing how long it took me to complete the ride, at 'race pace'.  I do know however, that the trail I rode is just over six miles, and I think I completed it in just under 40-minutes...including my two not too bad.

To make things even better, when I got back to the house, Donna told me that someone had called to say that they found my keys...the one's I lost a couple days prior!  My keys have a little plastic tag on them from the fitness center we belong to.  The guy who found them called the fitness center and got our number.  I'm a little concerned that they would give out my number so easily...but at least they didn't give out our address...but it's nice to know that someone would go through the trouble of tracking me down to get my keys back to me.  That's the 'brotherhood' of mountain bikers!

Happy Resurrection Sunday to all!


  1. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you, Enjoy your Easter day with your family

  2. Good times yesterday and a Big Thanks for hosting all of us!! Ride on bro and get those elbows back in order!
