Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 86...Take a Ride With Me!

The last couple of days haven't been very productive in terms of training.  Easter was a day of rest, that turned into a day of feasting!  Enough said about that.  Yesterday I was pretty busy all day long at work, so I wasn't able to get in a very good workout, without getting interrupted.  To make matters worse, my nutrition wasn't very good yesterday either!

The good news however, is that today is a new day!  A day to put the past two days bad habits behind me!  So...am I off to a good start?  

This morning I got off work at 8:00 am, and by 8:30 I was lying on my back, on the therapy table, trying to hold back the tears.  Yep...deep tissue massage of the forearm and triceps muscles...much pain.  I have decided to do a garage/trainer ride this evening after my last training appointment, so that I can give my forearm and elbow some rest after the beating they took this morning.  Tonite's ride is only scheduled to be an hour, so it wont be as much of a mental challenge as my last trainer ride (nearly two-hours).  I'll let you know how it went when I post tomorrow.

I put together a little video of my last ride, and I thought you might enjoy watching it.  For those of you who watched my last video (Porsche racing), I am sorry...the music is the same.  I didn't want to take too much time to search for some new music...so I just re-used the same track.  

This video was taken using an HD GoPro video camera, strapped to my chest.  So...the perspective is pretty much what would be seen by a mouse who had decided to take a ride with me...in my pocket!  I hope you enjoy it.  The majority of it was ridden at what I refer to as a race-pace.  Unfortunately, this camera angle does not do justice to the steep grades of the climbs or descents.  Hope you enjoy!


  1. John,
    Great job on the video man. And I like the music. But I want your promise that you will put more of these up, but I want to see the ones where you crash dude. Keep up the good work John. I am one of your biggest supporters.

